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As a 501(c)3 tax exempt corporation, Beer Kulture Inc. thrives based upon donations by individuals like you, corporations like yours, and foundations that have a heart for our mission to Increase diversity, inclusion and equity within the craft beverage space -through humanitarian assistance, educational programs and compassionate community services.


With your support, Together, we can change the world - one beer at a time! Support comes in many forms. Spreading the word, talking to your family and friends about our mission and it's importance to YOU. Monetary, which provides ongoing support to our programs, scholarships and internships. In-kind, We will gladly accept Books, learning materials, tasting guides. And volunteer! You can donate your time to advance the Mission as well. Whichever works for you, be an ACTIVE participant in the change. It’s going to take ALL of us!


Our registered charity number is 85-2196798. 


Want to send us mail? Inquire HERE for the address. 

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